
Monday, March 15, 2010

Coming Soon

Blogging very often is a euphemism for being jobless, well atleast to me. Cuz i always get these "idea lightning" (like our very own IDEA Mani, nothing about Bacchan Jr) but fail to give the same pleasure to you guys.

Disregarding everything I said above, I planned a new coming soon section
By this, you either get to know what you would be reading in my space soon, or atleast know what i wanted to write here .

Janathipathikku Manu series (Which literally translates to petition to the President)

Semma Chappa Ads (IPL is waking up the ad critic in me. Mind numbing ads)

Snaptu Review. (Snaptu is the Symbian App that has all the functionality under one roof)


Anonymous said...

hi there friends. I'm actually into shoes and I have been digging as far as something that singular brand. The prices as regards the velcros were approximately 250 pounds everwhere. But for all I set this location selling them someone is concerned half price. I absolutely like these [url=]gucci sneakers[/url]. I will probably purchase them. what can you tell me about these?

Anonymous said...

hi there ppl. I'm honestly into shoes and I was searching allowing for regarding that exact brand. The prices due to the fact that the sneakers were approximately 230 dollars on every page. But completely I base this location selling them for the benefit of half price. I absolutely love those [url=]gucci sneakers[/url]. I will definetly order them. what is your opinion?

Unknown said...

Yenna Kodumai Saravana Idhu ..